Pankaj Khimji, the 5th generation business leader of Khimji Ramdas, is a building construction engineer, from the UK.
He is the Co-Chairman of the Oman-India Joint Business Council and a Board member of the Omani – British Friendship Association (OBFA).
He has been an active member of the World Economic Forum and a recipient of the Global Leader of Tomorrow (GLT) award.
Pankaj Khimji has also been a regular member of the Ministry of Manpower’s delegation to the Annual International Labor Organisation Conference (ILO) in Geneva. He takes keen interest in initiatives to equip young Omanis with the requisite skills to start their own businesses. One such initiative that he was very closely involved in was the Sanad services, which paved the way for fostering an entrepreneurial culture in the country.
He has been involved in the Oman Business Forum, which works on key areas of nation-building, such as educating youth, training leaders, and other work aimed at transforming and empowering society. He is a Board member of Sharakah – a pioneering SME funding & mentoring organisation in the Sultanate.
A passionate cricket fan, Pankaj also devotes time as the Chairman of the Oman Cricket Board and is an Executive Board Member of the Asian Cricket Council.